Is ShrinkArt film approved for direct food contact?

Shrinky Dink, Shrink Art Film

Is ShrinkArt film approved for direct food contact? No. Grafix stocks other types of film products that are, includ-ing acetate, specific brands and grades of polyester film, HDPE and polypropylene. Other types of food-safe films are available as a custom order; larger production minimums may apply.

Are our HDPE and polypropylene sheet products approved for food contact?

Are our HDPE and polypropylene sheet products approved for food contact? Yes! This entire product line is suitable for use in contact with foodstuffs. It complies with FDA, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 (revised April 1995). We can even provide certification to this effect; just let us know you need one when you contact … Read more

Are ClearLay ™ vinyl film and sheets food-safe?

PVC Film and Sheets

Are ClearLay TM vinyl film and sheets food-safe? No. Grafix stocks other types of film products that are, including acetate, specific brands and grades of polyester film, HDPE and polypropylene. Other types food-safe films are available as a custom order; larger pro-duction minimums may apply.

Is ShrinkArt film suitable for outdoor use?

Shrinky Dink, Shrink Art Film

Is ShrinkArt film suitable for outdoor use? No. Our ShrinkArt film is not made to withstand extended exposure to ultraviolet light or moisture. If you need to put this material outside, it must be contained in something else that will keep it from being exposed to UV and moisture.

Are polypropylene sheets suitable for outdoor use?

Are polypropylene sheets suitable for outdoor use? Yes! Polypropylene is a stable material under outdoor conditions. It does not, however, have a specific life time rating; product life time will vary with the outdoor conditions to which the film is exposed.

Is LaserPro ™ stencil film suitable for outdoor use?

Is LaserPro ™ stencil film suitable for outdoor use? No. If exposed to ul-traviolet light or moisture, LaserPro will become brittle and loose it’s properties If you need to put this material outside, it must be contained in something else that will keep it from being exposed to UV and moisture.

Are HDPE sheets suitable for outdoor use?

Are HDPE sheets suitable for outdoor use? Yes they are. HDPE is a stable polymer material for outdoor use. It does not, however, have a specific life time rating. Product life time will vary with the outdoor conditions to which the film is exposed.

Are Clearlay ™ vinyl film and sheets suitable for outdoor applications?

PVC Film and Sheets

Are Clearlay ™ vinyl film and sheets suitable for outdoor applications? Not really. Although they may be suitable for some shorter term outdoor projects, they are not made to tolerate high temperatures or excessive exposure to UV light. Long term exposure to the elements can cause the material to yellow, become brittle, or turn hazy. … Read more

Are our asymmetric diffuser films suitable for outdoor use?

Are our asymmetric diffuser films suitable for outdoor use? No, not as a first surface. If exposed to the elements, our asymmetric diffuser film will degrade over time. If you need to use this material outside, it must be contained in some-thing else that will keep it from being exposed to excessive UV and moisture.