SP DurLar™ Digital Solar Filter Film Instructions

Proper use of SP-DuraLarTM Smartphone Safe Filter Film:

SP DuraLar is a unique and groundbreaking product designed for enthusiasts of solar eclipses. This thin black filter film is designed exclusively for indirect solar observation using digital devices such as smartphones and digital cameras that only have a digital view screen. When used properly, SP Duralar will let you capture all phases of a solar eclipse, including the awe-inspiring moment of totality, without causing any damage to your device’s camera sensor. This feature is not found in any other product available in the market today.

To ensure a smooth and rewarding experience with SP Duralar, please adhere to the following instructions:

SP Duralar is only to be used with digital recording devices, specifically smartphones, and digital cameras that have only a digital view screen and no direct view finders.

1. **Uncover the Film:** The film is shipped covered by interleaved tissue to protect it from damage. Remove the tissue carefully to prevent scratching or other harm to the film.

  •  **Handling the Film:** Try to avoid touching the film. Handle film from the corners of the sheet.  Fingerprints can discolor your imaging, impacting your observation experience.

2. **Inspect the Film:** Once uncovered, inspect the film for any possible damage. Our Eye Safe Film is produced to be clean and free of scratches, dinks, pinholes, and other defects. If there’s any sign of damage, the film should not be used. A simple way to check the film is by holding it up to a regular light source (not the sun). If any light gets through, it indicates that the film is damaged. Damaged film must be destroyed to avoid accidental use.

3. **Proper Placement:** Place the film in front of the lens of your Smartphone, or other digital recording device. Remember, the film should be the first layer that sunlight goes through. Only use this film for a digital device with no direct way to view the sun.

4. **Secure the Film:** Make sure that your filter setup is firmly in place on your device so that it doesn’t get blown off or fall off. Even a brief flash of sunlight, especially under magnification, can cause sensor damage.

Keep the film out of the hands of children. Do not leave it unattended where children or inexperienced individuals could use it improperly.

When it comes to storing your SP Duralar, keep it flat in a cool, dry location. In normal room conditions, your SP Duralar should last for years and years.

Ready to capture the solar spectacle? Use SP DuraLar wisely and safely, and get started now!