ES DuraLar™ – Eye Safe Solar Filter Film

Make eye safety a priority with ES DuraLar™ your ISO safe solution for direct solar viewing. Perfect for glasses, binoculars, telescopes, and more!

Crafted with care and tested to meet stringent ISO safety standards, it’s your ticket to safe, direct viewing of our favorite star, the Sun. Whether it’s in front of glasses, binoculars, telescopes, cameras or other devices, ES Duralar has you covered!

Everyone’s vision matters!  Making safety filters for consumers for the upcoming eclipses is critical.  That’s why we spent the last couple years bringing this special grade of Eye-Safe Black Duralar Polyester Film to market.

We’ve put our decades of polymer film expertise to work and created a product that’s all about your safety. When it comes to viewing a solar eclipse, maintaining eye safety discipline is crucial, and that’s where our film comes in.  Eye-Safe Duralar has been carefully designed and tested to meet the ISO Specification 12312-2:2015 for transmittance, the international standard for direct solar observation safety. You can rest assured that with our film, your eyes are protected while you enjoy the awe-inspiring spectacle of a solar eclipse.


Everything needed for safe viewing of the Sun

Why choose ES Duralar™:

  • Pleasing yellow tint
  • Heat resistance up to 150 Deg C
  • Puncture resistant
  • Smooth surface
  • Versatile: Available in rolls or sheets


Convenient sizes available for both consumers and manufacturers

Consumer Sizes

  • 6″ x 6″, Pack of 4 Sheets
  • 4″ x 4″, Pack of 4 Sheets
  • 12″ x 12″, Pack of 2 Sheets

Manufacturing Sizes

  • 12″x 500′ & 1,000′, 3″ Core
  • 17″ x 1,000′, 3″ Core
  • 24″ x 500′ & 1,000′, 3″ Core

Contact us to purchase


Properties are based on .002″/50um Black Opaque Duralar polyester film. Properties of other gauges and finishes of DuraLar polyester film can vary.

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For more specific questions regarding DuraLar Film, please contact your sales representative today!


  • Tested to ISO Spec 12312-2:2015E – Check out our test results!
  • NEVER, EVER directly look at the sun with the unaided eye.  Only filters produced and tested to ISO Specification 12312-2:2015 are safe use for observing the Sun whether its in Glasses, Shutter Cameras, Telescopes of Binoculars.  Failure to do so will result in permanent eye damage.
  • Follow these instructions for safe extended solar viewing.
  • It is critical to use your best judegement when using this product!
  • DEHP, DBP and BBP free. Contact us for more details
  • RoHS Compliant
  • No forever chemicals – Prop 65 Compliant

Don’t compromise on eye safety when it comes to such a rare and incredible event. Choose our Eye-Safe solar eclipse film and experience the magic while keeping your eyes out of harm’s way!

Hit the Start an Inquiry button, and let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll get it together for you.